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Tokido Seals His Legacy With Amazing Topanga World Championship Win

Femi Famutimi
2 min

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Tokido Seals His Legacy With Amazing Topanga World Championship Win
The Japanese legend showed everyone why he is the best with a sublime tournament win

Topanga League has been around since the early 2010s and is generally regarded as one of the most high-profile fighting game tournaments ever. This year, with Street Fighter V in its last days, Topanga decided to send SFV off in grand style by hosting a Topanga World Championship. 

It was an invitational which brought eight of the best players in the world to fight for a ¥4,000,000 prize pool. 

Tokido, widely considered as the greatest Street Fighter player of all time, was the winner by a large margin beating out his fellow colleagues with relative ease and cementing his status as the best to ever do it. 

Topanga World Championship Players

The list of players that participated was the who's who of the fighting game world and a combination of the old guard and the new kids on the block. 

The way this tournament worked was that all the players had a chance to face one another in a round robin format with each set being a first to seven with deuce rules. This meant that each victor needed to win by at least two matches. If not, they'd have to reach 10 wins. At the end, the person on top of the table, wins. 

Tokido won ALL his matches only winning by less than three games once, against Mena, while taking everyone else down by larger margins. 

With his Luke, he had an answer to everyone. He only changed once to use Urien against Zhen.

We also got to see players whip out unlikely secondaries like Zhen who is known for Bison, but used Alex on occasion. 

Mister Crimson was at the bottom, only winning one game against Evo 2022 winner, Kawano. It was a tense set, but with pride on the line, Mister Crimson was able to clutch victory and win 8-6. 

Highly rated youngster, EndingWalker was also in attendance losing five and winning two including a really impressive victory over Fuudo

At the end, we got some interviews and MenaRD spoke warmly about the experience stating that he had always imagined playing at Topanga as a kid and that this was a dream come true.

In the end, it was a fitting send off to Street Fighter V which while maligned by some, is really an amazing game. 

With Street Fighter 6 on the horizon, we can look forward to more hype and more incredible memories. You can watch the final day of matches below. 

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